Witalex is a specialist agency that offers services relating to the design, creation and maintenance of electronic catalogues. Overall, an electronic catalogue contributes significantly to efficiency and flexibility in modern business transactions.

You can find a sample electronic catalogue here.

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Digital presentation

Products and services are presented with detailed information, images, videos, and often 3D views.

ekatalog filter

Search functions

Users can easily search for specific products and according to various criteria (e.g. price, brand, technical specifications).

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Information can be updated quickly and easily to keep availability, prices and other relevant data up to date.

ekatalog design

Branding & Skinning

Display and link your logo in the electronic catalogue to generate more attention for your company and adapt the design to your corporate identity using colours and background graphics.

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Responsive Design

An electronic catalogue is provided in HTML5 for access on desktop, smartphones or tablet PCs. This means that your catalogue is optimally adapted to the screen size.

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Scroll function

All pages of the electronic catalogue have a scrolling effect, which is based on the turning of printed pages. The swipe effect commonly used on touch screens is used for output on mobile devices.

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Zoom function

Your catalogue can be enlarged and reduced continuously by clicking on the relevant page or using the zoom control.

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Integration of multimedia

You can enrich your electronic catalogue with images, links and videos.

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Customised start screen

In addition to branding & skinning, users can optionally set up a customised start screen that appears when the catalogue is loaded.

An electronic catalogue is provided in HTML5 for access on desktop, smartphones or tablet PCs. This means that your catalogue is optimally adapted to the screen size.

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Customers and business partners have access to product information from the electronic catalogue at any time and from anywhere.

ekatalog kostenersparung

Cost savings

Reduces printing and shipping costs compared to traditional catalogues printed on paper.

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Extended reach

Companies can offer their products and services to a global audience and in multiple languages.

ekatalog ecommerce websites

E-commerce websites

Online shops use electronic catalogues to present their product portfolio and facilitate sales.

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B2B platforms

Companies use electronic catalogues to sell their products to other companies, often with specific price and quantity information.

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Internal company applications

Companies often use electronic catalogues for internal inventory management and procurement.

Prices by arrangement depending on the time required.

The realisation time is variable, depending on the effort involved. Further deadlines and steps in the work process are discussed with the customer and agreed upon.

Contact form

    or email us at info@witalex.com